ai.bites Traffic Control

ai.bites Traffic Control turns any camera into an optical sensor for traffic monitoring and partially anonymized traffic analysis.

ai.bites Traffic Control enables a variety of traffic monitoring use cases such as illegal parking, no stopping, parking in second row, violation of drive-through restrictions, driving into one-way streets against the direction of travel, unauthorized driving in bus, cab or bike lanes, drive-through restrictions for hazardous goods, drive-through statistics based on partially anonymized license plate information etc. The exact configuration of the desired use case is done via a graphical user interface. Depending on the camera used, the actual processing of the video data takes place directly on or in the camera in real time. In the event that a breach is detected, the system generates an evidence photo in which all non-relevant privacy-critical information is automatically pixelated, enabling DSGVO-compliant deployment.

295.346,85 TByte
Saved Traffic

Tracked Objects
Frames Processed

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