»Imagine you could simply apply and operate AI everywhere.«
Möchten sie mehr darüber erfahren, wie AI Ihrem Unternehmen nützen kann? Dann lassen Sie uns sprechen.
Transport for new South Wales (TfNSW) is the infrastructure manager for the state of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia and is responsible for public transport as well as the road, water and rail networks. TfNSW sees itself as a service provider for the citizen and pursues the goal of providing a safe, integrated and efficient transport system for the people and businesses in NSW. This includes developing an open, digital platform through which TfNSW, citizens and businesses can access relevant information in real time. Together with our partner platformity and SecureAgilitywe deliver with the products ai.bites Traffic Monitoring and ai.bites Traffic Control, 24×7 real-time insights into the traffic situation and thus make a sustainable contribution to the successful digitization of the public space in NSW.
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89077 Ulm | Germany
Phone +49-731-7903 8050
E-mail: hello@beebucket.ai
Möchten sie mehr darüber erfahren, wie AI Ihrem Unternehmen nützen kann? Dann lassen Sie uns sprechen.
“Imagine you could simply apply and operate AI everywhere.”
Want to learn more about how AI can benefit your business? Then let’s talk.